VJA Music Parents Association
Payment Options
Please note a change in the way you make electronic payments to the Music Parents. Effective immediately, our new payment email is vjamusictreasurer@gmail.com. Please use this email address when sending a payment via Zelle or Venmo. Thanks!
Your first option is Zelle Pay (preferred)- Zelle Pay is basically a bank to bank transfer and works like a digital check of sorts. There are no fees involved in using this option and the instructions are as follows:
Go to the Zelle Pay website at https://www.zellepay.com/
Click on the "Send Payment" option.
When it prompts you for the recipients info please enter the following Email - vjamusictreasurer@gmail.com
Enter the amount you'd like to pay, your information, students name, and click submit.
Your second option is a personal check. Please make all checks payable to Andrew Music Parents and write your students name in the memo line on your check. These can be dropped into our yellow "dropbox" inside the band room. Please send an email to vjamusictreasurer@gmail.com for more information about check payments.
Your third option is to use fundraising credits your student has accumulated. If you choose to use this option you will need to send an email to our treasurer at vjamusictreasurer@gmail.com requesting to use your credits.
Your fourth option is to use Venmo. The instructions are pretty much the same as for Zelle, please use email address vjamusictreasurer@gmail.com when prompted at https://venmo.com/